Cory LaNou
Thu, 25 Jan 2024

Hype Quick Start Guide


This article covers the basics of quickly writing a technical article using Hype.

Target Audience

This article is aimed at developers of any experience level with any software language.

In this article, we'll cover the following topics:

  • Create an article using Hype using source code and godoc tags.

What is Hype?

Hype is a tool that we use at Gopher Guides to quickly create and maintain training and technical articles. We already wrote an in depth article on what it is and how to use it here.

Installing Hype

You can get the latest release of hype from the

The Basics

Let's get right into it. First, we want to show the Go code that we wrote, and the output from when it runs. Since we don't want to show the entire file, but only the function we are discussing, we'll also use a code snippet to detail just that part of the file.

Here is the source file:

package main

import "fmt"

// snippet: example
func main() {
	fmt.Println("Hello World")

// snippet: example

Notice the use of the snippet comment. The format for the comment is:

// snippet: <snippet_name_here>

You must have a beginning and an ending snippet for the code to work.

Now you can use the following command to load just that snippet in your source code:

<code src="src/hello/main.go" snippet="example"></code>

The output of including that tag will be as follows:

func main() {
	fmt.Println("Hello World")

A snippet is not required in your code tag. They default behavior of a code tag is to include the entire source file.

If we leave the tag out, it will result in the following code being included:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	fmt.Println("Hello World")

Notice that none of the snippet comments were in the output? This is because hype recognizes them as directives for the document, and will not show them in the actual output.

Go Specific Commands

There are a number of Go specific commands you can run as well. Anything from executing the code and showing the output, to including go doc (from the standard library or your own source code), etc.

Let's look at how we use the go tag.

Here is the source code of the Go file we are going to include. Notice the use of the snippet comments to identify the area of code we want included. We'll see how to specify that in the next section when we include it in our markdown.

Running Go Code

The following command will include the go source code, run it, and include the output of the program as well:

<go src="src/hello" run="."></go>

Here is the result that will be included in your document from the above command:

$ go run .

Hello World

Go Version: go1.22.0

Running and Showing the Code

If you want to both run and show the code with the same tag, you can add the code attribute to the tag:

<go src="src/hello" run="." code="main.go"></go>

Now the source code is includes, as well as the output of the program:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	fmt.Println("Hello World")

$ go run .

Hello World

Go Version: go1.22.0

Snippets with Go

You can also specify the snippet in a go tag as well. The result is that it will only include the code snippet in the included source:

<go src="src/hello" run="." code="main.go#example"></go>

You can see now that only the snippet is included, but the output is still the same:

func main() {
	fmt.Println("Hello World")

$ go run .

Hello World

Go Version: go1.22.0

Invalid Code

What if you want to include an example of code that does not compile? We still want the code to be parsed and included, even though the code doesn't compile. For this, we can state the expected output of the program.

<go src="src/broken" run="." code="main.go#example" exit="1"></go>

The result now includes the snippet, and the error output from trying to compile the invalid source code.

func main() {
	fmt.Prin("Hello World")

$ go run .

./main.go:7:6: undefined: fmt.Prin

Go Version: go1.22.0


While there are a number of godoc commands that will allow you to put your documentation from your code directly into your articles as well. Here are some of the commands.

Here is the basic usage first:

<go doc="-short context"></go>

Here is the output for the above command:

$ go doc -short context

var Canceled = errors.New("context canceled")
var DeadlineExceeded error = deadlineExceededError{}
func AfterFunc(ctx Context, f func()) (stop func() bool)
func Cause(c Context) error
func WithCancel(parent Context) (ctx Context, cancel CancelFunc)
func WithCancelCause(parent Context) (ctx Context, cancel CancelCauseFunc)
func WithDeadline(parent Context, d time.Time) (Context, CancelFunc)
func WithDeadlineCause(parent Context, d time.Time, cause error) (Context, CancelFunc)
func WithTimeout(parent Context, timeout time.Duration) (Context, CancelFunc)
func WithTimeoutCause(parent Context, timeout time.Duration, cause error) (Context, CancelFunc)
type CancelCauseFunc func(cause error)
type CancelFunc func()
type Context interface{ ... }
    func Background() Context
    func TODO() Context
    func WithValue(parent Context, key, val any) Context
    func WithoutCancel(parent Context) Context

Go Version: go1.22.0

You can also be more specific.

<go doc="-short context.WithCancel"></go>

Here is the output for the above command:

$ go doc -short context.WithCancel

func WithCancel(parent Context) (ctx Context, cancel CancelFunc)
    WithCancel returns a copy of parent with a new Done channel. The returned
    context's Done channel is closed when the returned cancel function is called
    or when the parent context's Done channel is closed, whichever happens

    Canceling this context releases resources associated with it, so code should
    call cancel as soon as the operations running in this Context complete.

Go Version: go1.22.0

For more examples, see the hype repo.

Arbitrary Commands

You can also use the cmd tag and the exec attribute to run arbitrary commands and include them in your documentation. Here is the command to run the tree command and include it in our documentation:

<cmd exec="tree" src="."></cmd>

Here is the output:

$ tree

├── article.json
└── src
    ├── broken
    │   └── main.go
    └── hello
        └── main.go

3 directories, 5 files

The Export Command

There are several options for running the hype command. Most notable is the export option:

$ hype export -h

Usage of hype:
  -f string
    	optional file name to preview, if not provided, defaults to (default "")
  -format string
    	content type to export to: markdown, html (default "markdown")
  -timeout duration
    	timeout for execution, defaults to 30 seconds (30s) (default 5s)
  -v	enable verbose output for debugging

Usage: hype export [options]

	hype export -format html
	hype export -f -format html
	hype export -f -format markdown -timeout=10s

This allows you to see your compiled document either as a single markdown, or as an html document that you can preview in the browser.

Including Markdown

To include a markdown file, use the include tag. This will run that markdown file through the hype.Parser being used and append the results to the current document.

The paths specified in the src attribute of the include are relative to the markdown file they are used in. This allows you to move entire directory structures around in your project without having to change references within the documents themselves.

The following code will parse the code/ and sourceable/ documents and append them to the end of the document they were included in.

<include src="code/"></include>

<include src="sourceable/"></include>


There are a lot of things we still haven't covered, but hopefully this gives a baseline overview of the things you can accomplish with Hype. Keep an eye on the repo as we continue to update documentation and functionality.

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